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Banner heading on top of page reads "databases available." "databases" is capitalized and "available" is typed with a bolded font and overlaid.

Databases Available, Accessible separate from our EDS

Artist Biographies: AskART
Search AskART for authoritative artist biographies, artist signatures, and auction records. Under the research tab, there is a glossary page dedicated to terminology associated with art! From this page, you can also filter artists by medium used, style or genre, region, and more! 

askART's search bar on their page

Jstor's logo.  A red box with a white letter J surrounded by white vines.

Articles and Images: JSTOR
Included when searching in our Jannes Library EDS (EBSCO Discovery Center). A multidisciplinary archive of back files of scholarly journals. and images An awesome resource; note that it consists primarily of backfiles, meaning that for most journals, the recent three to five years are not included. Jannes Library subscribes to all JSTOR Archival Journal and Primary sources collections, providing access to more than 2,000 journals in the Humanities and Sciences. JSTOR is also home to our growing institutional collections!

Screen grab of the homepage of KCAI's institutional collections on Jstor's website.

The New York Times
Access thousands of up-to-date articles as well as the back issues of the New York Times. Follow this LINK to create an account or connect your current account to KCAI's GroupPass. KCAI's group pass subscription is News, Cooking, and Wirecutter. To view all benefits associated with our subscription, click HERE. To create a new account or renew your existing account, click on The New York Times logo below. From on campus, you will be taken directly to the NYTimes group-pass site. From off campus you will be taken to the authentication screen to prove that you are with KCAI. 

The New York Times Logo

Oxford English Dictionary  
Much more than a dictionary, OED documents the evolution of the English language, including meaning, history and pronunciation of over 500,000 words. Oxford University Press strives to make its products accessible to and inclusive of all users, including those with visual, hearing, cognitive, or motor impairments. Learn more on their commitment to accessibility and usage information HERE.

Screen capture of Oxford English Dictionary's logo and search bar from their website.


Stash provides streaming access to the planet's largest online video archive of design, animation and VFX - over 5,000 motion projects - plus behind the scenes features and exclusive interviews. Stash showcases exceptional motion design, visual effects, and animation projects and the people who create them. Once authenticated, you will need to click 'Login' at the top of the screen.

screengrab of websites logo

Databases Available through our EDS

Academic Search Elite: Articles

Included when searching in our Jannes Library EDS (EBSCO Discovery Center). This resource offering access to thousands of active full-text journals, including Ahead of Print content for relevant titles from key publishers.  Academic Search Elite also includes more than 75,000 videos from the Associated Press. Updated monthly, this collection of videos from the world’s leading news agency includes footage from 1930 to the present and helps round out student research. 

Art & Architecture Source: Articles

Included when searching in our Jannes Library EDS (EBSCO Discovery Center). Home to hundreds of full-text art journals and magazines and thousands of images, this resource is the largest full-text art research database covering fine, decorative, and commercial art, as well as architecture and architectural design. Learn more about this database HERE.


Included when searching in our Jannes Library EDS (EBSCO Discovery Center). Curated to our library collection, e-books available through ebsco aim to support the digital needs of students, remote learners, and faculty with access to high-quality academic e-books.

Educational Research Information Center (ERIC): Articles

Included when searching in our Jannes Library EDS (EBSCO Discovery Center). This resource was designed specifically as an indexing and abstracting database. ERIC contains records and links to hundreds of thousands of full-text documents and records for a variety of source types, including journal articles, books, conference papers, curriculum guides, dissertations and policy papers. Learn more about this resource HERE.


MasterFILE Premier: Articles, Fast Facts, & Images

Included when searching in our Jannes Library EDS (EBSCO Discovery Center). This resource was designed specifically for public libraries, MasterFILE Premier provides a robust collection of full-text multidisciplinary periodicals, e-books, and thousands primary source documents. It also includes an extensive image collection. Learn more about this resource and view full title lists of offerings HERE.