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Welcome to Jannes Library!

4538 Warwick Blvd. KCMO 64111 / 816.802.3390 /

Banner heading on top of page reads "circulation policies." "Circulation" is capitalized and "policies" is typed with a bolded font and overlaid.

General Policies (for all library users)


BASICS: Checking Out & Library Communication-

  • ALL users must have an active KCAI ID card, which is required to check out any materials.

  • ALL library communication is first sent via your KCAI email address.

  • ALL bills & academic encumbrances associated with your account are sent via email and via USPS to address' on record.

  • ALL library users are responsible for maintaining accurate contact information and are responsible for monitoring KCAI email for emails regarding your library account. (EMAIL TO UPDATE: or )

  • ALL library users must contact Library Staff for assistance with any issues concerning their library account or items they have/are interested in checking out.

OVERDUES: Fees, Fines, and Bills-

  • Borrowing privileges are TEMPORARILY suspended with any outstanding library account balances in excess of . This includes, but is not limited to fines, overdue items, and bills.

  • Items from the KCAI Jannes Library are billed at $75 per item {$55 item + $20 processing fee}.

  • Billed and paid items, if returned in good condition within 30 days, will be refunded minus the $20 processing fee per item. 

  • ALL library users are responsible for returning items in good condition, on or before their due date, returning recalled items, and renewing or returning items before they become overdue.


  • ALL items checked out are due no later than the last day of the semester/session.

  • When nearing the end of a semester, loan periods and renewals will be shorter than 28 days!

  • Renewals can be done by phone, logging into your library account, or in person at the front circulation desk. 

  • Items must be renewed within the renewal window (see user-specific policies below for details).

  • Overdue items and items with holds placed on them cannot be renewed.

  • For requests to extend borrowing privileges, such as borrowing over winter and summer breaks, you must speak with Library Staff and must have good borrowing history with proof of upcoming semester enrollment via myKCAI.

  • There is a grace period. Any items returned within 24 hours of the original due date, is considered a minor oversight. Therefore, no fines will accrue until after midnight of the first full day overdue.


  • INSIDE returns can be placed in the BOOK DROP in the front of the Circulation Desk.    

  • OUTSIDE returns can be placed in the BOOK DROP located behind the library on the NW corner of building.

* Our BOOK DROP is checked every morning and all items returned are back-dated 24 hours.

  • Non-Circulating items such as reference books, magazines, artist files, special collections, and select media are library use only and do not check out. Scanning to email is completely free!


*** TEMPORARY CHANGES TO OpenRS/MOBIUS beginning Friday, November 1st

- PREVIOUSLY: all OpenRS/Mobius items circulated for 28 days with 1 renewal (for an additional 28 days).

- CURRENTLYall OpenRS/Mobius items will circulate for 40 days with NO renewals.

- PLEASE contact library staff if you encounter any questions, comments, or concerns - by emailing 

Library Staff apologies for any inconvenience this may cause, and appreciate your patience as we work through new technologies! Thank you!

  • ALL users with accounts in good standing, with no overdues + fees, fines, and bills, are eligible for borrowing with OpenRS/Mobius.

  • ALL items borrowed via OpenRS/Mobius are due no later than the last day of the semester/session.

  • When nearing the end of a semester, loan periods and renewals will be shorter than 28 days!

  • Failure to return OpenRS items within 7 days of semester/session end, will result in a suspension of OpenRS privileges. This suspension is immediate and continues through the following semester.

  • Failure to return recalled OpenRS items within 7 days of recall, may result in suspension of OpenRS privileges.

  • Items from OpenRS libraries returned damaged or are lost are billed at $120 per item {$100 item + $20 processing fee}. 

User-Specific Policies


Summary of Circulation Rules for all KCAI STUDENTS in addition to general policies for all users, as outlined above.

Item Type Loan Period Fines for Overdue per item Bills per item Recalls Renewal Requests - Overdue items cannot be renewed!
Books 28 days $0.20 per day  $75.00 is billed 28 days after due date. Bill may be reduced to $20.00 processing fee when item is returned in good condition. Items may be recalled after 28 days or one loan period. Once recalled, items must be returned within 7 days. Daily fines will accrue.  Renew once for an additional 28 days, if no holds have been placed on the item.


DVDs, CDs, Blu-ray

10 days $0.50 per day  $75.00 is billed 28 days after due date. Bill may be reduced to $20.00 processing fee when item is returned in good condition. Items may be recalled after 7 days. Once recalled, items must be returned within 4 days. Daily fines will accrue.  Cannot be renewed.
Media Restricted Circulation 3 hours (in-house) $0.50 per hour Item does not leave the library. Item does not leave the library. Renew once for additional 2 hours. Cannot renew until one hour before item is due. 
Hourly Reserve 2 hours (in-house) $0.50 per hour Item does not leave the library. Item does not leave the library. Cannot be renewed.
Overnight Reserve 24 hours $0.50 per hour $75.00 is billed 28 days after due date. Bill may be reduced to $20.00 processing fee when item is returned in good condition. Item cannot be formally recalled. Item becomes overdue after 24 hours. Cannot be renewed.
OpenRS All Materials 28 days Determined by lending library $120.00 is billed 28 days after due date. Bill may be reduced to $20.00 fine when item is returned in good condition. Items may be recalled immediately. Once recalled, items must be returned immediately. Fines accrued are contingent upon lending library. Renew once for an additional 28 days, if no holds have been placed on the item.


  • Borrowing privileges are assigned to students who are currently active and enrolled at KCAI for the academic semester or session. If user accounts view as expired to library staff, verification will be requested.


  • The following maximum limits apply:
    • Students may check out up to 20 items at a time; that number can include up to 10 OpenRS items and 2 media items.


  • ALL library materials must be returned and fines paid upon account expiration or immediately upon withdrawal.


  • ALL outstanding encumbrances owed to the library may be referred to a collection agency.  


  • Failure to return items and/or pay fines may result in encumbrance of the student's academic records.  This may result in withholding transcripts and/or a diploma, or may hold up the registration process.


  • Students will be notified by US Mail sent to their local and to their permanent addresses in their library record when the student's academic record has been encumbered by the library for overdue books or outstanding fines. 


  • To release a library encumbrance, the student must return items, pay all fines, and speak with a library staff member to request removal of the encumbrance. Leaving items in the book return without speaking directly to a staff member regarding the encumbrance will mean the encumbrance on the student's academic record may stay in place.


Summary of Circulation Rules for all KCAI FACULTY in addition to general policies for all users, as outlined above.


  Item Type


  Loan Period


 Fines for       Overdue per     item


  Bills per item




 Renewal Requests -   Overdue items   cannot be renewed!


  Items are due

  on the last day of 


  $0.20 per day

  $75.00 is billed 28 days after

   due date. Bill may be reduced

   to $20.00 fine when item is

   returned in good condition.

  Items may be recalled after 28

  days or one loan period. Once

  recalled, items must be returned

  within 7 days. Daily fines will accrue.  

  Renew once for an

  additional 28 days,

  if no holds have been

  placed on the item.


  DVDs, CDs, 


   10 days

  $0.50 per day

  $75.00 is billed 28 days after

   due date. Bill may be reduced

   to $20.00 fine when item is

   returned in good condition.

   Items may be recalled after 7

   days. Once recalled, items must

   be returned within 4 days. Daily

   fines will accrue.


  Cannot be renewed.


  All Materials

   28 days

  Determined by 

  lending library

   $120.00 is billed 28 days after 

   due date. Bill may be reduced

   to $20.00 fine when item is

   returned in good condition.

   Items may be recalled

   immediately. Once recalled,

   items must be returned immediately. 

   Fines accrued are contingent upon

   lending library.

  Renew once for an

  additional 28 days,

  if no holds have been

  placed on the item.



  • Full-time (tenured track):  year-round borrowing privileges, renew annually while employed with KCAI.
  • Part-time (Non-tenured track): borrowing privileges assigned during the period of their teaching contract.


  • Borrowing privileges are assigned to part-time / non-tenured faculty if the faculty member currently holds an active teaching contract for the academic semester or session. Exceptions may be made between contract dates, please see library staff to discuss this. If user accounts view as expired to library staff, verification will be requested.


  • Borrowing privileges are assigned to full-time tenured faculty year-round while employed by KCAI. If user accounts view as expired to library staff, verification will be requested.

  • Books checked out by all faculty members are due on the last day of the current semester/session.   


  • The following maximum limits apply:
    • Full-time faculty may check out up to 50 items at a time; that number can include up to 30 OpenRS items and 12 media items.
    • Part-time faculty may check out up to 20 items at a time; that number can include up to 10 OpenRS items and 12 media items.


  • ALL library materials must be returned and fines paid upon account expiration or immediately upon termination of employment.


  • ALL outstanding encumbrances owed to the library may be referred to a collection agency.  




  • ALL exceptions are at the discretion of library staff and must be discussed with library staff. Jannes Library's work-study students are unable to authorize circulation policy exceptions. 


  • When research needs conflict with standard due dates, faculty may request longer loan periods when checking out items.
    • Items in high demand will not be given extended due dates.


  • Faculty may request to exceed maximum item limits under special circumstances and for limited periods of time.


  • Faculty may request to check out restricted or non-circulating items (library-use-only). Items with restricted status or are non-circulating (library-use-only) will not exceed 7 days.


Summary of Circulation Rules for all KCAI STAFF in addition to general policies for all users, as outlined above.


  Item Type


 Loan Period


 Fines for       Overdue per       item


  Bills per item




 Renewal Requests -   Overdue items   cannot be renewed!


  28 days

  $0.20 per day

  $75.00 is billed 28 days after

   due date. Bill may be reduced

   to $20.00 fine when item is

   returned in good condition.

  Items may be recalled after 28

  days or one loan period. Once

  recalled, items must be returned

  within 7 days. Daily fines will accrue.  

  Renew once for an

  additional 28 days,

  if no holds have been

  placed on the item.


  DVDs, CDs,


  10 days 

  $0.50 per day

  $75.00 is billed 28 days after

   due date. Bill may be reduced

   to $20.00 fine when item is

   returned in good condition.

   Items may be recalled after 7

   days. Once recalled, items must

   be returned within 4 days. Daily

   fines will accrue.


  Cannot be renewed.


  All Materials

  28 days

  Determined by 

  lending library

   $120.00 is billed 28 days after 

   due date. Bill may be reduced

   to $20.00 fine when item is

   returned in good condition.

   Items may be recalled

   immediately. Once recalled,

   items must be returned immediately. 

   Fines accrued are contingent upon

   lending library.

  Renew once for an

  additional 28 days,

  if no holds have been

  placed on the item.



  • Full-time (12-month):  year-round borrowing privileges, renew annually while employed with KCAI.
  • Full-time (9-month): semester-to-semester while employed with KCAI. Privileges renew at the beginning of semester. 
  • Part-time (9-month or 12-month): semester-to-semester while employed with KCAI. Privileges renew at the beginning of semester. 


  • Borrowing privileges are assigned to all staff members if the staff member currently holds an active contract for the academic semester or session. If user accounts view as expired to library staff, verification will be requested. Exceptions may be made between contract dates, please see library staff to discuss this.


  • The following maximum limits apply:
    • Students may check out up to 20 items at a time; that number can include up to 10 OpenRS items and 2 media items.


  • ALL library materials must be returned and fines paid upon account expiration or immediately upon termination of employment.


  • ALL outstanding encumbrances owed to the library may be referred to a collection agency.  



Summary of Circulation Rules for all KCAI GUESTS, though not in addition to general policies for all users, as outlined above. Guests are unable to participate in item circulation, yet are welcome in Jannes Library and invited to use its resources!


  • All KCAI alumni in good standing with the college are considered guests. They have lifetime, in-person library privileges. 


  • All books, periodicals, and non-print media are available for use in the building. Guests are not able to check out library materials for use outside of the library.  


  • The library’s computer resources on the first floor including computers, printers, scanners, and copiers, are available for guests use on a walk-in basis.  Printing is available; printing and copying fees apply. 


  • Jannes Library databases are available when accessed from library computers.


  • Guests can use KCAI-Guest for wireless access to the internet when using their own devices.  When connecting as a guest, users will be prompted to read the acceptable use policy and will click ‘accept’ to connect.


  • Due to Adobe licensing restrictions, the Adobe Creative Cloud applications are not available for use in the library.


  • Due to contractual agreements with vendors, library databases are not available outside of Jannes Library.


  • When using library computers, guest work must always be saved to an external drive; files cannot be saved to the network or on the individual computer. Computers are automatically wiped after each use. 


  • The college has the right to monitor all computer-based activities of guests in the library; the user should be aware that access confers no right to privacy.


  • Library computers are not to be used for commercial purposes, or for any unlawful purpose.